You can't get any more darkly humorous than that. Black Comedy: The whole premise of the game is about a baby trying to get itself killed while the father tries to prevent his child's death, the baby winning when it succeeds in dying.Asymmetric Multiplayer: Each player has a completely different role, as mentioned above.The full game was scheduled to be released on April 29, 2016, but was delayed a week to May 6, 2016, and is slated to continue to be updated afterwards. The game's official Steam page for it is here. The premise can be seen as either hilarious, particularly in part due to the awful graphics and half-assed animation, or just plain wrong. For instance, picking up toys and putting them away can grant him the ability to see the baby through walls. Or use a hammer to shatter a glass table, then eat the shards of glass. It's possible for the baby to open the oven, turn it on, then climb inside and bake to death. Bleach, Windex, batteries, forks, hammers and more are lying around. As such, there are many ways for the baby to kill himself.

Who's Your Daddy? is a video game in which one player assumes the role of a father trying to protect his baby from death, while the other assumes the role of the suicidal baby.